Friday, 7 May 2010

ELICIT VIDEO - by cal earnshaw

its been a while since iv updated this site, thought it was about time i did so here is a new edit from elicit video, for those who don't no who elicit video are it is cal earnshaw new blog site that he started up a few months ago. hope you enjoy.


Wednesday, 6 January 2010


Ride Exclusive i filmed and edited from a recent odessa Rotterdam edit.

More BMX >>


SITE UP AND LOOKING A BIT BETTER go check it new updates coming soon check out this vid of us battering the shit outta shanes bike..


Wednesday, 16 December 2009


website now up. looking real shit at the moment will be getting a full revamp very soon. 

Tuesday, 15 December 2009

Something new

As you no callum is stopping his posts a fair bit now to get on with his new project/blog and web site.Now that this is happening me[tom] and che are taking it over a bit ,so were guna start sorting things out a bit and start getting some stickers made and soon there will be t-shirts on the market to buy, as it's been far to long for this to happen. Like cal said in his last blog it's time to get a bit professional ,so wacth this space for news and pics of the new stickers and whats happening with cal's new ting.
momore to come.

Wednesday, 2 December 2009


Ive been doing the whole UFDBMX thing for a while now and have never really taken it seriously at all. i never even made a single t-shirt or anything. Im now planning on starting a new project as a videographer as i think its time to get a little more professional. The Focus of this project/company will be to expose my video work as well as the people who ride around me. I already have a few projects for Odessa Footwear in the works one being the Rotterdam video that will be online on the 17th of December and a full length Odessa DVD that im doing in conjunction with my dissertation. So from now on my work will be under a different name and i will be blogging on a new website that i have in the works also. I probably wont be posting on here to much anymore, i dont know if Foo or Che will be, who knows.

Anyway watch this space. New blog/site coming soon. 

Below is a pic of Che from Rad Pat Jam this year boooosting the kicker. Pic GDC
