Wednesday, 19 November 2008


jack at DUB has made this quick little edit from the clips that will got of me on sunday... more to come as soon as the wrist is outta the cast!
Thanks to will for filming and thanks to jack for editing and uploading so quick...

Tuesday, 18 November 2008

Broken wrists n "sketchy" clips

went filming with will and larkin on the weekend, managed to get some goodenz but you gonna have to hold tight for them untill dub have made the edit. managed to fracture me wrist on a luc-e down some handy rail so all casted up now, which means i gotta do uni work...bloodyell
larkin sent me this from today titled "sketchy"... he's fuckin weird int he ;)

Monday, 17 November 2008


Alright basically on the 13th of december(sat) DUB is hosting a jam in chester. jack over at dub has told me that they will be putting street obstacles in the park so expect some crazy shit.
fun filled day loadsa prizes to be won get on it like sonic!



old pic that emma uploaded today haha
